I had to get your attention 😺 Please fill out your details correctly:)

AVOID DELAYS with your order.

Filling out your details is extremely important to process your order. If you place your order, pay and your details are incomplete, the Club de Jerseys team will contact you. However, this will cause a delay in processing your order (the delay will depend on the days it takes you to respond).

How can I avoid delays in my order?

It's easy! You just have to fill out the following fields correctly :

-First and last name.
-Cell phone number.
-Street and house number (if apartment number, floor, etc. is required; please specify it as well)
-Colony (only if applicable)
-Zip code.

Please do not omit any information . Each one is important to ensure that your order reaches the correct destination.

And that's it! If your information is filled out completely, your order will continue as usual.